Thursday, October 18, 2012

Garage sale...Check, Move stuff to Oregon...Check

So the last three weeks have been a bit messy. Literally, messy. I went thru our entire house, deciding what to keep, what to sell, and what to store. The result was a living room and bedroom full of piles for three weeks!

Well, now the garage sale is done...made about $500...not too shabby. I was quite pleased as I nearly called the whole thing off, not thinking I had enough to even bother selling!

On Tuesday, Jack, my mom, and I loaded up the U-Haul in about 45 min of the rest of the piles and then went on to dinner. Coming back home was strange, as now there is an old basket for a coffee table, no book shelves, minimal photos around, and nothing on the walls. I will be practicing life as a minimalist for the next 3 months!

My mom and I drove up to Oregon in the beast of the U-Haul in a record 600 miles in 9.5 hours. My poor mom didn't know what hit her, no stops other then to get gas! But we made it to Oregon, unpacked the UHaul and still had time to watch the SF Giants loose :( I keep forgetting that this is the last time I will be in Oregon for quite sometime. I am looking forward to a couple dinners with family, but saying goodbye on wednesday is going to be difficult.

In less then 3 months I will board the plane to the UK. I am excited to start this new adventure, but more then anything, I am excited to get to be closer to my wife and to get to start OUR life together...well after a stay in Tanzania that is...

1 comment:

  1. Ok - I am all caught up on your posts! I am really glad you are doing this. Amber - it was so good to see you these last few days. I will miss you! I love you!
