Well, today I have the day off and need to start packing a bag that can be taken to the UK by Emma next week. The problem is, I am not quite sure where to start when it comes to packing things up. I know that it is all just material things and can all be replaced, but this apartment has been my home for 9 years and the thought of packing it up suitcase by suitcase over the next four months is quite a daunting thought! I think it would be easier to just do it all in one go and then be finished...alas, that would be a very expensive way to do it. So instead, every time one of us goes to the UK we take an "extra bag" full of my stuff that I want for my life in the UK. The thing is, what am I going to want for my life in the UK?!?
Our eventual plan is to return to San Francisco, so there will also be things put in storage...but what does one put in storage for an undetermined amount of time?And then there is the stuff that is part of my everyday life, but not going to come with me and not going to go into storage that I have to sell off piece by piece over the next couple months.
This will be a very cleansing process the soul I am sure, but I am not too sure I am ready to be clean yet!
I am very excited for the next chapter in our lives together and all the adventure that will come, I just wish I could open my eyes one morning and this packing thing would be complete.
Amber, definitely not a fun process... but from experience, I can tell you that you won't miss the stuff nearly as much as you might be worried that you will! I've got boxes in Mom's basement that haven't been touched in four years and I couldn't tell you what's in any of them! (apart from my spectacular wine and martini glasses which I'm not parting with for anything in the world!) Hope that it's not too horrid and you figure it out. xxTara